You could send the money directly to the St. Augustine Education Center (there will be relatively high transfer cost) Name: Augustine Centre Society Account: 120 674 57 38 Kenya Commercial Bank – Ruiru Branch SWIFT: KCBLKENX Or you could send the money through the "Kulturverein des Kreuzgymnasium Dresden" (you will also get a donation certificate from Mr. Vogelbusch - Name: Kreuzgymnasium Dresden IBAN: DE13 3506 0190 1626 3100 16 BIC: GENODED1DKD Bank: KD Bank - LKG Sachsen eG Verwendungszweck: für das Sozialprojekt des evang. Kreuzgymnasiums Dresden „St. Augustine, Kenia + Name of the donator“
St. Augustine Center had one main objective at its initialisation: to provide education to many vulnerable children in the slums of Kihunguro and Gitambaya 40 km outside of Nairobi, in a holistic and loving way as well as in a sustainable manner. The progress during the last 8 years has been remarkable. Thanks to various sponsors and partner schools including the German School Nairobi,, the "Lutherschule" in Hannover, the "Königin-Katharinenstift Gymnasium" in Stuttgart, the "Kreuzgymnasium" in Dresden, the Lions Club in Cologne and many private donors, the two directors, Judy Nyambura and Simon Chege have created this Education centre offering accessible basic primary education. Since the lease for the land on which the school was built will end in 2017 and cannot be prolonged, the school bought a new piece of land and started the construction of the new school in 2016. Due to very limited financial resources the construction progress was slow and many works had been done by the teachers, parents and children. Today two floors are completely finished and only the last floor is missing to complete the new school building. But time is running and the school urgently needs some additional funds in order to complete the school by the end of the year and to continue offering a place for children where they can learn, share and grow morally and intellectually. Please also check the film under the following link:
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